VAC Colloquium: "A Zoo of Models"

Staff members of the chair MOSI (Adelinde Uhrmacher, Fiete Haack, Philipp Henning) and the Thünen Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries (Kevin Haase, Maria Pierce) will give a presentation on the topic "A Zoo of Models" as part of the VAC Colloquium. Afterwards we look forward to interesting discussions while enjoying coffee and cookies.

The event is open to anyone interested.


The talk "A Zoo of Models" will give an overview of simulation studies conducted at the modeling and simulation group. The simulation studies address research questions as diverse as analyzing differences of mitochondria in healthy and less healthy cells, illuminating the interplay of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in their response to electrical stimulation, studying environmental influences on cod metabolism, or exploring possible effects of specific governmental regulations on recreational fishery. Extracts of simulation models and their provenance, including different data sources and simulation experiments, will be presented. The simulation studies will illuminate the role of different modeling approaches in answering the research questions and dealing with uncertainties in studying intra-cellular, inter-cellular, ecological, and socio-ecological systems.

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