05.04.2024, 9:00 am VAC research colloquium "Robust Machine Learning" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, R.209 read more
13.02.2024, 1:15 pm VAC Colloquium: Sascha Marton "Learning Axis-Aligned Decision Trees with Gradient Descent" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Room 209/210 or uni-rostock-de.zoom-x.de/j/7038537785 read more
09.01.2024, 12:30 pm VAC Colloquium: Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Reiner Hähnle "Simulation with Active Object Languages" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Room 209/210 read more
04.01.2024, 10:00 am Public defense of the dissertation of Mr. M.Sc. Kevin Haase on the topic: "Agent-based modelling to investigate angler behaviour in relation to management decisions and stock development" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Raum 001 read more
12.12.2023, 1:15 pm VAC Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Michael Sedlmair "Immersive and Situated Analytics: Pitfalls, Challenges, and Opportunities" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Room 209/210 read more