VAC Colloquium: Dr. S. Bader "An Introduction to Transformer Models and Neural Text Processing"

Dr. Sebastian Bader -member of the chair MMIS- will give a presentation on the topic "An Introduction to Transformer Models and Neural Text Processing" as part of the VAC Colloquium.

Afterwards we look forward to interesting discussions while enjoying coffee and cookies.

The event is open to anyone interested.

In this short presentation, I will cover the basic ideas of handling texts in neural networks, handling sequences and finally building transformer models. First, I will show how to represent and reason about textual data within neural networks, by introducing word2vec models - how to build and how to use them.  Then, I will show how to handle sequence data in recurrent architectures. Finally, I will introduce transformer models, by describing their general architecture, underlying ideas and assumptions and show how to train them. 
