23.06.2025 - 26.06.2025 39th ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation will be held:June 23-26, 2025 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USAhttps://sigsim.acm.org/conf/pads/2025VAC members Adelinde Uhrmacher (Program Chair), … weiterlesen
11.02.2025, 13:15 Uhr VAC Colloquium: M.Sc. Justin N. Kreikemeyer "Discovering Chemical Reaction Networks from Data" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Room 209/210 weiterlesen
10.12.2024, 13:15 Uhr - 10.12.2024, 15:00 Uhr VAC Colloquium: "Unfolding Cultural Collections" Mark-Jan Bludau (M.A.), FH Potsdam On Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 13:15, Mark-Jan Bludau (M.A.) will give a presentation on the topic "Unfolding Cultural Collections" as part of the VAC… weiterlesen
14.11.2024, 10:00 Uhr Public defense of the dissertation of M.Sc. Pia Willsdorf on the topic: "Exploiting Explicit Context Information for the Automatic Generation of Simulation Experiments" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Raum 001 weiterlesen
12.11.2024, 13:15 Uhr VAC Colloquium: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Oehmcke "Learning from Temporal-Spatial Data to Monitor our Environment: Methods and Applications" Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Room 209/210 weiterlesen