VAC Colloquium: Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Zschaler "Systematic simulation engineering – the case for dedicated modelling languages"

Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Zschaler, Reader in Software Engineering at the Department of Informatics of the King's College London and Co-Director of the Centre for Doctoral Training on Digital Twins for Healthcare, will give a presentation on the topic

"Systematic simulation engineering – the case for dedicated modelling languages"

as part of the VAC Colloquium.

Afterwards we look forward to discussions while enjoying coffee and cookies.

The event is open to anyone interested.

Simulation is an important tool for understanding complex real-world situations and exploring different scenarios in a cost-efficient and risk-free manner. They find applications in a wide range of domains, from science (e.g., computational biology or physics) to engineering and the optimisation of work processes. Simulations are themselves complex software systems that require the careful collaboration between domain experts and software engineers, ensuring that the simulation implemented accurately represents the real-world scenario under study. In this talk, I explore how bespoke – domain-specific – modelling languages and automated transformations may help address some of the challenges faced by simulation engineers, including how to ensure adequate stakeholder involvement, how to reuse existing simulations in new contexts, and how to validate simulations and simulation studies. I will use examples from work in computational biology and in modelling patient flow in emergency care.


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