
Mobile Multimedia Information Systems

Prof. Thomas Kirste

is heading the chair of Mobile Multimediale Informationssysteme since 2004. The Chair develops intelligent assistance systems to provide proactive subsidiary assistance to people with cognitive and physical disabilities. New methods for the recognition of human actions and intentions as well as inference about latent infinite state spaces will be developed.

Modelling and Simulation

Prof. Adelinde Uhrmacher

is a professor at the University of Rostock since 2000 and is heading the chair Modelling and simulation. The group develops modeling and simulation methods, in particular, for discrete event stochastic systems, and applies those in different areas, such as computer science, ecology, cell biology, medicine, and social science. Methodological developments range from domain-specific languages for modeling and simulation, efficient algorithms, to methods that facilitate the conduction, replication and assessment of simulation studies and their products.

Visual Computing

Prof. Oliver Staadt

is a full professor of Computer Science and is heading the chair of Visual Computing. His research interests include computer graphics, virtual reality, telepresence, visualization and multiresolution analysis.

Visual Analytics

Prof. Stefan Bruckner

took over the leadership of the chair  Visual Analytics  on february 1, 2023. His research interests include all aspects of data visualization, with a particular focus on interactive techniques for the exploration and analysis of complex heterogeneous data spaces. He has made significant contributions to areas such as illustrative visualization, volume rendering, smart visual interfaces, biomedical data visualization, and visual parameter space exploration.

Maritime Graphics

Prof. Uwe Freiherr von Lukas

is heading the chair "Maritime Graphics" since 2020 and is leading the Rostock site of the Fraunhofer IGD since 2009. Research focuses on machine learning in the field of underwater image processing, interactive data visualization, technology transfer and regional development through networks.

Intelligent Data Analytics

Prof. Martin Becker

is heading the Chair for Intelligent Data Analytics. With his group, he is aiming to develop novel machine learning methods to impact high-stake real-world problem settings with a focus on biomedical applications, environmental change, and human behavior. For this, his group builds knowledge-centric machine learning methods for understanding complex systems by extracting novel insights into their underlying processes, and modeling complex systems by integrating existing domain knowledge into machine learning methods. The corresponding approaches range from multi-modal multi-task learning, network analysis, and exceptional model mining to Bayesian modeling, deep learning, explainable AI, and human computer interaction.

Marine Data Science

Prof. Stefan Lüdtke

is assistant professor for Marine Data Science. The chair is studying data science and machine learning methods for heterogeneous and multi-modal data, which occur in marine ecology, oceanography, offshore engineering and fishery. The methods developed in the group include tractable probabilistic models, neuro-symbolic machine learning and deep learning for tabular data.

Visual and Analytic Computing in Ocean Technologies

Prof. Stefan Oehmcke

is assistant professor for Visual and Analytic Computing in Ocean Technologies.His research interests are: Deep Learning on tempo-spatial data (e.g., on remote sensing data), Multi-modal Representation Learning, Resource-Limited Learning (e.g., automated data selection), ML Models for System Modeling and Simulation.

Former Chairs

Computer Graphics

Prof. Heidrun Schumann (Emerita)

was heading the chair of Computer Graphics from 1992 until March 2020. Her research interests were in the areas of information visualization and Visual Analytics, particularly including the visualization of structures and multivariate data in space and time. Last research projects were focused on investigating scalable visualization methods, on designing visual interfaces for smart environments, and also on developing application-specific solutions for the visualization of terrains or biomedical data.

Multimedia Communication

Prof. Bodo Urban (Emeritus)

was heading the Rostock site of Fraunhofer IGD from 1992 until 2020 and the chair for Multimedia Communication since 1998. The research focus of the chair was on the visualization of existential data, especially for the mechanical and plant engineering industries as well as the health care sector.

Visiting Professors

Prof. Paul Rosenthal

is a visiting professor at the University of Rostock. His research concentrates on reliability and reproducibility in visualization and on user-friendly human-machine interfaces.